Re: Got this - not sure of authenticity. Better safe etc...

Jason Matthews (
Tue, 6 Dec 1994 10:50:50 -0800 (PST)

On Tue, 6 Dec 1994, Richard Chycoski wrote:

> > There is no way to transmit a virus to a computer via the terminal.
> > Sure, maybe you can turn the printer on and off. Or maybe start up  
> an
> > zmodem download but you cannot get a virus on a remote machine by  
> sending
> > ascii...
> > 
> > Jason
> Bzzzzt! Wrong answer!
> Haven't you ever heard of the programmable keyboard feature in ANSI?
> (The implementation is left as an exercise to the hacker...)

You know what? An ANSI bomb is not a virus.
